Angular 2 vs Angular 4 Difference

After grand success of its predecessor - Angular 2 and widely accepted with open arms by the developer community. Angular team is out with its next stable release called Angular 4. With the new release Angular team has overcome with shortcomings by enhancing with tweaks of old features in Angular 2 by making Angular 4 improvised and truly promising. Not only this, Angular 4 has garnered up and put altogether all of the new exciting features in one pack of Angular 4 which developers will surely like it.

One more thing which would be constantly striking in the readers mind if we had earlier stable version of Angular 2 and how come Angular 4 is out then where is Angular 3? Let clear the things in the beginning itself so that we move ahead with less doubts and more learning. So the answer coming out from Angular sources is that there were many of subversion releasing happened in between like v2.3 to v 3.3. If you see below you will find that versioning happened in the same way and it is distributed as different NPM packages as one single GitHub repository under “angular/angular”. Also Angular with the Router package has already been released as v3.3.0 so in order to avoid the confusion Angular team headed to next version called Angular 4.

Angular 4 is moreover a semantic versioning and also in short form termed as “SEMVER”. In actual Angular 4 do not hold any major changes from its predecessor Angular 2 when we do the comparison between Angular 2 and AngularJS 1.x.

  Angular 2 Angular 4

Size and Speed


Applications built on Angular 2 are bulky in size with moderate speed.

With building application on Angular 4 it will be of less space consuming and faster than Angular 2.
Animation Package Animation was under and part of main core “@angular/core” with if you use it or not animation is going to be part of production bundles.

Here Animation is altogether separate package and it can be referred as

@angular/platform-browser/animations” with this animation would not be part of production bundle if not used.


View Engine Here traditional mode is available where we have compilation during runtime and not build time so error occurred can only be seen during runtime. With apply of AoT(Ahead of time) compilation mode compilation is done during build time and JS code is generated with certain changes can be been seen in reduction of size up to 60% in most cases resulting in production bundle file size reduction by hundreds of KB.

In Angular 2 normal template tag are used

Now with the recent Angular 4 it has its own template tag called as the “<ng-template>”. If you miss this tag representation then you will get warnings for the same.
Router In Angular 2 interface syntaxes were used “params” and “queryParams” New interface “paramMap” and “queryParamMap” is added for use which also helps to represent the parameters of a URL.
Pipes There was no provision of “Pipes” in Angular 2. In Angular 4, introduction of the concept of “Pipes” occurred due to which uppercasing the first letter of the word becomes automatically possible.

And last for the readers, above content has been put up to the best known knowledge explaining useful feature along with performance for Angular in both version 2 and version 4.

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