→Because it uses MVW (Model View Whatever) pattern and it is Binding Framework which binds view and model.
→Directives are instructions to DOM(Document Object Model) element. There are Four types of directive
Component Directives :- It used in main class. It provides metadata that determine how the component should be processed and used at run time.
Attribute Directives :- It is used to change the look and behaviour of your DOM element.For example ngClass, ngStyle.
Structural Directives :-It starts with a ( * ) sign. This directives are used to manipulate or handle and change the structure of your DOM element. For example *ngIf, *ngFor, *ngSwitch.
Custom Directives :- This are used for reusable component.
→ Node is a javascript runtime which uses chorme v8 engine internally. It use to run your javascript code outside the browser. NPM stands for Node Package Manager which used to download javascript framework online.
→ It has all the javascript reference needed for the project. So rather than installing one at a time we can install all packages in one go. NPM command to create Package.json file is ( npm init )
→ It is an old angular which uses javascript but not typescript for writing logics. /p>
→ It stands for Model View Whatever and it is an MVW pattern.
→ It installs all the frameworks which has entry in package.json file.
→ By using Angular CLI we can create a basic Angular Project Template.
→ It is used to install your frameworks globally.
→ Semantic versioning helps you understand the potential impact of updating to a new version.
→ ( ^ ) Caret sign is used to install latest minor and revision versions and (~) Tilt sign is used to install latest revision versions.
→ Component binds view and model. Modules groups the component.
→ [] is get called from object to view and () is get called from view to object.
→ We can render our html code with the @component decorator using template.
→ The selector attribute allows us to define how Angular is identified when the component is used in HTML.
→ Declared component in Module which component should invoke first.
→ Typescript language gives you feel of Object Oriented Programming while coding in angular.
→ Routing helps in directing user to different page. We Implement by creating a routing.ts file and give path and component name to route. In View.html file using [ routerLink ] we map to the routing.ts file path name.
→ In HTML file <a> tag we pass [ routerLink ] and map to path name of routing.ts file. To load the component.ts file we have <router-outlet> tag where we put inside <div> tag to load particular component.
→ Lazy Loading helps you to load modules on demand.
→ The LoadChildren properly tells the router to fetch the module.ts when and only when the user navigates to route path, then merge the two router configurations and finally activate the declared component.
→ forRoot creates a module that contain all the directives, the given routes and the router service itself. forChild creates a module that contains all the directives and the given routes, but does not include router service.
→ Using *ngFor structural directive.
→ In html we have click event in angular, we provide click() to that event and call it in component.
→ We import HttpClient in component and inject it in constructor, object of injected httpclient we use for http post get put delete in particular methods.
→ Angular uses the observer pattern which simply means — observable object are registered and other objects observe(in angular using the subscribe method) them and take action when the observable object is acted on in the some way.
→ In angular subscribe is a method on the observable type. The Observable store the Asynchronous stream data and later it subscribe to the subscribe method.
→ Using services and Dependency injection in angular.
→ To debug in VS code we need to install “ Debugger for Chrome ” extension.
→ Using Input, Output and Event Emitter.
→ Exchange data between components. Input is used to receive data in whereas Output is to send data out.
→ Output sends data out by exposing event producers, usually EventEmitter objects.
→ Using Angular service.
→ ViewChild returns the first element that match a given component, Directive or template reference selector.
→ By using Reactive forms provide a model-driven approach, and in model we write validations using ngForm, FormControl, FromGroup, validators and FormBuilder.
→ Reactive forms provide a model-driven approach to handling form inputs whose values change over time.
→ using valid, unvalid, dirty, pristine, touched and untouched.
→ Using disabled keyword provides by angular, where we can say the formGroup.valid() if it is true then it will disable and if not it will enable.
→ FormControl :- It is class that is used to get and set values and validation of form control.
FormGroup :- It has the role to track value and validity state of group of FormControl.
Validation :- To validate a form created by FormControl. we need to use Validators that belongs to @angular/forms library.
→ Dirty is true if user changed the value of the control.
Pristine is the opposite of Dirty.
Touched is true of the field has been touched by the user, Otherwise it's false.
The apposite of Touched is UnTouched.
Valid is true of the field doesn't have any validators.
UnValid is apposite of Valid.
→ Angular Life cycle hooks starts with
→ Pipes are use to transform your expressions, like you need to change your datetime format, Currency and many more.
→ It gives you intellisense for methods which are in jquery library.
→ First we install jQuery and then install @types/jquery and then import it in your component. By importing the jQuery you will get all the intellisense of the jquery methods.
→ DI (Dependency injection) where we change at one place it should reflect in various places. IOC (Inversion Of Control)is principle and we can use it by providing it in constructor.
→ Data-Binding are used to bind View and component. There are three types of data bindings.
Property Binding :- we use square bracket for property binding.
Event Binding :- we use round bracket for event binding.
Two-way Binding :- We use both Round and Square bracket for Two-way binding.Event Binding :- we use round bracket for event binding.
→ Compiler is use to compiler your html and ts files to machine readable code. Angular uses Ahead of Time Compilation (AOT).